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New Singapore hotline makes it easier to report other drivers for parking offences

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All parking-related offences can now be reported via a common hotline -- 1800-338-6622. This includes offences such as illegal parking, non-display of coupons and non-activation of digital parking sessions.

Having a common hotline does away with the hassle of having to contact different parties like the Land Transport Authority (LTA), Housing & Development Board (HDB) and Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) separately to report such offences.

LTA, HDB and URA have appointed Certis CISCO as a common service provider to carry out enforcement against parking offences at public roads, as well as in HDB and URA car parks currently not equipped with the Electronic Parking System (EPS). In car parks equipped with EPS, the EPS service providers will continue to enforce against offenders.

Having a common service provider will enable better coordination among the agencies. It will also allow them to respond more efficiently to public feedback on parking-related issues.

The change will also allow parking wardens to be deployed more efficiently. You might have noticed that parking wardens now wear a new uniform -- a dri-fit polo shirt and cargo pants. The new uniforms have been designed to keep the parking wardens comfortable in our hot and humid weather.

Some of the worst parking offences

Here are some of the most common parking offences that motorists are reported for.

*Parking within a pedestrian crossing. This offence attracts demerit points.

*Parking within 9 metres of a bus-stop (from the tip of the bus bay (back and front) and this includes the bus bay itself).

*Parking within 6 metres of an intersection or junction of any road or street.

*Parking within 3 metres on either side of a fire hydrant.

*Failing to comply with the No parking sign.

*Failing to comply with the No stopping sign.

*Failing to comply with the No waiting sign.

*Parking in a way that causes unnecessary obstruction to other road users.

*Parking without facing the direction in which the traffic may lawfully move.

*Parking a vehicle on any road between the edge of a roadway and any portion of an unbroken white line laid down on such road.

*Parking a vehicle on any road between the edge of a roadway and any portion of unbroken double white lines laid down on such road.

*Parking a vehicle on any road where unbroken double yellow lines are laid down.

*Parking a vehicle on any road where an unbroken yellow line is laid down.

*Parking a vehicle on the grass verge of a road.

Updates: As of 1 October 2020, the GIA hotline for reporting possible cases of insurance fraud has been deactivated.

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