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Terry Fox Run 2017 Singapore comes together to fight cancer

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This Sunday a fantastic run gets underway in Singapore, but this time participants aren’t competing against each other. They are running together to help beat cancer.

The facts about cancer in Singapore

Cancer is Singapore’s deadliest killer. Figures from the National Registry of Diseases Office predict that one in four men and one in five women in Singapore are likely to get some form of cancer by the time they reach 75 years of age. *

That’s why research into cures and prevention is needed and why we are celebrating all those running, jogging, or walking in the Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research this Sunday 26th February.

Terry Fox’s inspiring story

Terry was a talented Canadian teenager and sportsman, when, in the late 1970s, he was diagnosed with bone cancer. The cancer resulted in his right leg being amputated six inches above his knee. In hospital, seeing many other young people suffering with cancer, Terry was inspired to raise awareness of the disease. He also started fundraising for cancer research by running his way across Canada, and the Marathon of Hope was born.

With little publicity, Terry started his run on April 12th 1980. Word spread quickly as he continued to run 42 kms a day through Canada’s Atlantic provinces. Sadly, his cancer spread to the point that Terry was forced to quit after running for 143 days. In the meantime, he had captured the heart of the nation and the attention of the world. Terry Fox passed away in June 1981, aged 22, but his legacy lives on.

A Memorial has been erected outside Thunder Bay on the Trans-Canada Highway near the spot where Terry was forced to end his marathon.

The people of Singapore have also been inspired by Terry’s story. He explains his mission: 

"We need your help. The people in cancer clinics all over the world need people who believe in miracles. I am not a dreamer, and I am not saying that this will initiate any kind of definitive answer or cure to cancer. I believe in miracles. I have to.” Terry Fox

Together, all over the world

Those running on Sunday at Angsana Green, East Coast Parkway are joined by millions in over 60 countries around the world. The Terry Fox Run is the world’s largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research and, to date,  over $650 million (Canadian dollars) has been raised in his name.**

Run details

All money raised goes to fund cancer research in Singapore. Funds are awarded to local cancer research in collaboration with Terry Fox Research Institute. 

  • Location Angsana Green, East Coast Parkway
  • Race Schedule

6:40am - Presentation
7:10 am - Warm up exercise
7:30am - 10 km Flag Off
7:40am - Warm up exercise
8:00am - 5km Flag Off

Web links 

Terry Fox Run, Singapore

* www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/more-people-getting-cancer-since-2010

** "Mission statement and history". The Terry Fox Foundation, October 27, 2015 

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