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  4. Stay Safe Lets Fight Online Fraud Together

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Stay safe. Let’s fight online fraud together.

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A message from the CEO of Budget Direct Insurance

As you will be aware there has been a rise in scams and phishing attempts across Singapore. Although Budget Direct Insurance has had no cases so far, we are keen to highlight this matter to ensure that we all remain vigilant in the fight against fraud.

Firstly, we’d like to take this opportunity to reassure you that your data security is our absolute number one priority. We have a multi-layered defence system and stringent safeguarding measures in place to protect against fraud.

For instance, the issue of credit cards. At Budget Direct Insurance we will never ask you to share your credit card details over the phone with our Customer Care team. Instead, payment is made either online or if it is over the phone, it is done using our secured payment gateway where you will be asked to input your own credit card details using the phone's keypad.

When we send any email from Budget Direct Insurance, we will mask your Personal Identifiable Information (PII), including your NRIC and for security purposes, only the last 4-digits of your credit card are stored and displayed.

We are also registered with the Singapore SMS Sender ID registry (SSIR). This is a registry operated by the Singapore government that helps us protect our customers from receiving fraudulent SMS messages that spoof SMS Sender IDs.

If you receive an SMS that appears to be from us with the header ‘Likely Scam’ then, please ignore it as this may be from an unauthorised non-registered account.

Customers may respond to our SMSes sent using the following phone numbers:

  • For new policy purchases: +65 8028 4339
  • For policy renewals: +65 8241 0878

Customers may also receive SMS messages from the Sender ID:

  • BDinsurance

When it comes to accessing your Policy Manager account, this is done via a One-Time-Password (OTP) sent via SMS to your mobile registered with us to ensure true authentication. You can also quickly and easily log in to your Policy Manager via your secure Singpass account.

More tips on how to protect yourself

  • Do not click on URL links from unsolicited emails and text messages.
  • Verify the authenticity of the official website or sources. For example, our official website is www.budgetdirect.com.sg and our hotline is 6221 2111 or 6040 2119.
  • Do not disclose any personal information to anyone including your bank details or OTP.
  • Report any fraudulent credit/debit card charges to your bank and cancel your card immediately.

More general advice regarding your online security, can be found on our website at www.budgetdirect.com.sg/online-security.

Meanwhile, if you have any general information relating to such crimes, you can call the Singapore government’s Anti-Scam Hotline at 1800-722-6688. Or go to www.scamalert.sg/fight for more scam-related advice.

Let’s fight fraud together.

Please do stay safe and remain vigilant,

Simon Birch,
CEO of Budget Direct Insurance