1. Budget Direct Insurance
  2. Bring A Buddy

Bring A Buddy

Refer a friend, and if they buy an insurance policy from us, you both win!

Bring a Buddy

Refer a friend, and if they buy an insurance policy from us, you both win!

How does the Bring a Buddy Programme work?

Refer a friend to buy a policy - You get a $20* e-voucher and your buddy gets up to $50* in e-vouchers. It's a win-win!



Share your Buddy ID with friends.

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Friends use your Buddy ID to buy an insurance policy.

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You Both Win!

You get $20* in e-vouchers for any annual car, motorcycle and/or travel policy your friend buys.

Your friend gets up to $50* in e-vouchers for their first-time purchase of any policy from us. See details in the table below:

Product Type Premium for each Eligible Policy (after discounts, including GST) Your friend receives e-vouchers worth:
Car Insurance $800 or more $50
Less than $800 $20
Motorcycle Insurance Any premium amount $20
Annual Travel Insurance Any premium amount $10
Single Trip Travel Insurance $30 and more $5
Ready to Bring a Buddy? Got a friend’s Buddy ID?
If you are or were a Budget Direct Insurance customer, simply log into Policy Manager to retrieve your Buddy ID.

Get a quote using your friend’s Buddy ID via the Referral Link, over the phone or in person.


Can I use my own Buddy ID when I buy more than one Budget Direct Insurance policy?

Absolutely! And you’ll get up to $50* in e-vouchers with your next insurance policy purchase. Just remember to use your Buddy ID!

Where can I find my Buddy ID?

You can retrieve your Buddy ID by logging into Policy Manager. You must have bought a policy from Budget Direct Insurance before to be assigned a Buddy ID. You can also call our Buddy ID helpline at +65 6221 2111 for assistance.

How can my friends use my Buddy ID?

Your friends would need to receive a Buddy ID Referral Link from you to buy a Car, Motorcycle, or Travel insurance policy online, or quote your Buddy ID when they speak with us.

How will I know if my referral is successful?

We will notify you via the email address linked to your Buddy ID. The email will be sent to you within 30 days after the start date of the annual policy bought by your friend. This gives your friend time to review their insurance policy and make any changes if required.

If you do not receive our notification email by such date, please call our Customer Care Centre at 6221 2111 for assistance.

Where can I find my e-vouchers?

You will receive an email containing a notification to log in to your Policy Manager, to redeem the e-voucher. Click on the link to accept your e-vouchers before the redemption link’s expiry date shown on Policy Manager. Once you have redeemed your e-voucher, you have up to 12 months to spend it.

More information on accepting your e-voucher here.

What happens to my Buddy ID if I no longer have an existing policy with Budget Direct Insurance?

Your Buddy ID lasts a lifetime! You and your buddies can still use your Buddy ID to buy any future policies and enjoy e-voucher rewards.

Remember to update us when there’s a change to your email address linked to your Buddy ID to ensure you receive our notification emails.

Why is there no longer a premium discount when I use my/my friend’s Buddy ID to buy a policy?

We have replaced the premium discount with e-vouchers for customers who buy using a Buddy ID.

*Terms and conditions apply

Terms and Conditions - Bring a Buddy Programme

The terms and conditions set out below apply to the Budget Direct Insurance Bring a Buddy Programme (the “Referral Programme”):

Rewards for referring a Buddy
  1. The Referral Programme encourages all customers who have purchased an insurance policy from Budget Direct Insurance before (collectively, “Customers”, and each a “Customer”) to invite new customers to purchase insurance products from Budget Direct Insurance.
  2. When a Customer successfully refers friends and family (collectively, “Buddies”, and each a “Buddy”) who purchase a Car, Motorcycle or Travel Insurance policy from Budget Direct Insurance (“Policy”), the Buddy is eligible to get up to $50 in e-vouchers for any policy bought from Budget Direct Insurance (“Buddy Reward”). The Customer receives $20 in e-vouchers (“Referral Reward”) for any annual policy purchased by the Buddy.
  3. Subject to Budget Direct Insurance’s underwriting criteria and requirements, a referral of a Buddy by the Customer is considered successful only where:
    1. the Buddy has never bought a policy from Budget Direct Insurance before;
    2. the Buddy uses the Customer’s Buddy ID to buy a Policy by:

      1. getting a quote for the Policy online via the unique Buddy ID Referral Link received from the Customer; or
      2. providing the Customer’s Buddy ID to the Buddy’s attending Customer Care Executive when getting a quote for the Policy over the phone or in person at our Customer Care Centre prior to payment for the Policy; and
    3. the Buddy buys a Policy, and such Policy is not cancelled before the start date of the Policy.
  4. An individual previously or currently insured under a policy issued by Budget Direct Insurance (each, a “Previous Policy” and “Previous Policies” shall mean all of them) will be considered as a Buddy who has never bought a policy from Budget Direct Insurance before where:
    1. the individual was not a policyholder in any of the Previous Policies; and
    2. the individual buys a new Policy as policyholder, through the Referral Programme.
Product Type Premium (after discounts, including GST) Your friend receives e-vouchers worth:
Car Insurance $800 or more $50
Less than $800 $20
Motorcycle Insurance Any premium amount $20
Annual Travel Insurance Any premium amount $10
Single Trip Travel Insurance $30 and more $5


  1. The incentives given through the Referral Programme will apply on top of any existing promotions, discounts, offers, vouchers, rebates or privileges (except for discounts under Budget Direct Insurance’s Affinity ID Programme).
  2. There is no limit to the number of Buddy referrals a Customer can make. For example, if a Customer successfully refers 10 Buddies, the Customer is eligible to receive the Referral Reward 10 times, being $200 worth of e-vouchers.
  3. A Customer who has successfully referred a Buddy, and a Buddy who has been successfully referred, will each receive an email from Budget Direct Insurance containing a notification to log into their Policy Manager to redeem their e-vouchers before the redemption link’s expiry date shown on . Budget Direct Insurance will send the notification email to the Customer’s and the Buddy’s email address in our records within 30 days after the start date of the Buddy’s Policy.
  4. Budget Direct Insurance is not obliged to re-send the notification email if the Customer’s email address linked to the Customer’s Buddy ID or the email address provided by the Buddy is incorrect or invalid. If the Customer or the Buddy does not redeem the e-vouchers by the redemption link’s expiry date shown on their respective Policy Manager, Budget Direct Insurance is not obliged to re-activate the redemption link for redemption of the e-vouchers.
  5. The terms and conditions of this Referral Programme may be amended by Budget Direct Insurance at any time without notice or incurring liability to any party.
  6. The decision of Budget Direct Insurance on all matters relating to the Referral Programme is final. Any updates to these terms and conditions will be published on budgetdirect.com.sg.