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Blog / Car Insurance

Get a Super Speedy, Easy and More Secure Car Insurance Quote Using Myinfo via Singpass

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Budget Direct Insurance has made our online car insurance experience easier, faster, and more secure by allowing motorists to use Myinfo, accessed via Singpass.

Simple, Speedy and Secure

While the Internet has revolutionised the way we transact with everything from shops to government agencies, filling-in personal details fields can sometimes feel like our primary online activity.

Want to buy some shoes online? Fill in personal details. Grocery order? Personal details. Buy insurance online? Personal details.

The problem is not only that filling in the same information repeatedly is tiresome; sometimes a fat finger hits an incorrect key, and the result is a disaster. You really don’t want to show up at the airport with your name spelled incorrectly on your ticket, for instance. The only thing you’re waving goodbye to in that situation is your holiday.

And there are potential security issues with all your information out there. Do you know what happens to your personal information after filling in a form on a website? Can you trust every single website you go to for online shopping?

There is a simpler, and more secured, way.

Let’s say you want a quote on car insurance from Budget Direct Insurance. If you’re a Singpass user, you can opt to use Myinfo, a Singapore government digital service that allows you to auto-populate online forms with participating businesses such as Budget Direct Insurance.

Budget Direct Insurance is only provided the personal data that is relevant to processing your transaction, data that is stored safely using cybersecurity industry best practices implemented by the government.

And it all means you get a simpler online experience.

How does it work?

Getting a quote from Budget Direct Insurance using Myinfo couldn’t be easier.

Step 1

Click on the Retrieve Myinfo with Singpass. You will be prompted to log in via Singpass to authenticate yourself.

Step 2

Provide Consent
Singpass will show you a list of information that Budget Direct Insurance is requesting for the purpose of the Car Insurance quote and will seek your consent before retrieving the data from Myinfo. You will receive an SMS and/or email notifying you that AUTO & GENERAL INSURANCE (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED has just retrieved your information from Myinfo after obtaining your consent. Your personal and vehicle details  will be automatically filled in. It's as easy as clicking a button!

Step 3

Add Missing Info
Complete additional fields in Budget Direct Insurance's quote form such as verifying the model of your car.

Step 4

After checking through the pre-filled and self-filled information, you will see a final quote. You can choose to continue purchasing your insurance from this point without having to fill out all your details again in a new insurance purchase form!

What About Data Protection?

For the purpose of providing you with a car insurance quote, the following information (if in your Myinfo profile) will be pulled from Myinfo onto your car insurance quote form once you have given your consent:

  • Personal details – These will include your Name, NRIC/ FIN, email, Gender, Date of Birth, Email, Mobile Number, Marital Status and Registered Address
  • Vehicle ownership information – This will include your Vehicle Number, Vehicle Make and Model, Vehicle Year of Registration, etc.
  • Driving License information.


A sample of the information that will be pulled from Myinfo
onto your car insurance quote form once you have given
your consent.

Budget Direct Insurance is the trading name of AUTO & GENERAL INSURANCE (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED If you're asked to approve AUTO & GENERAL INSURANCE (SINGAPORE) PTE. LIMITED to access your data, don't worry, that's us!

Find out more about our Privacy Policy here.


Oops, Something Went Wrong!

In theory, because all the Myinfo data is collected and verified by the government it should be accurate. You can view your data here.

If you spot a mistake in an auto-filled form, the recourse is to contact the relevant government agency to update the government-verified fields. It will normally take 1-3 working days for your Myinfo profile to reflect the updated data after verification by the relevant agency.

You are responsible for validating all fields throughout the quotation process, including pre-filled details from Myinfo. If you find any inaccuracies in your information, contact us at 6221 2111. Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 8pm and Saturdays, 9am to 3pm (excluding public holidays).

The Manual Way

In the unlikely event that your Myinfo data is incorrect, or you don’t want to use Myinfo to get a quote, never fear, you can always choose to key in the required data manually using our online form at www.budgetdirect.com.sg (You may need to provide supporting documents).

Whether it’s by manually filling forms or using the latest tech like Myinfo to simplify the process, Budget Direct Insurance is here to make your life easier.

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